Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Time!

WOW!- Well it's summer, and I have a long list of want-to-dos, must-dos, and do-I-really have to-dos!- As we enter the third week of summer I am excited about starting new projects and embarking in this world of Blogging. Thanks to all my friends and fellow colleagues, who have supported me and encouraged me to do this...much love goes out to you!-

Although we have no major trips planned for this summer, some of my anticipated activities include:
  • most importantly, time with my little man (He is now 16 months old!)
  • putting together my son's scrapbooks ( I am working on an "old-fashioned" hands on scrapbook, and the beautiful books you can create with Shutterfly!)
  • workshops, workshops, workshops (I love going to workshops!, I've already attended two!)
  • a "teacher" friendly garage sale~ along with organizing space at home (These go hand and hand. I guess I should start preparing, do you ever have a hard time parting with items?
  • and blogging!

I know as a teacher we really look forward to the summer as our relax and regroup time, but if you're anything like me, weeks before school is even out, we start having all these ideas swirl in our heads!- I have some great ideas in mind for next year and hope to post them as I go. 

I have been able to update and change a couple of items I created, and also created a few new ones from your requests, so if you have a chance, go my TPT shop, and check them out, and let me know what you think! Here just a few....

I had a fabulous teacher request I make these in bright colors and another fabulous teacher asked if I could make them up to the number 30! Thank you for your input ladies! -
I really liked the way they turned out!

 And here are the original primary colored background numbers, revamped up to the number thirty!- (I love these "primary" colors!- Green is is actually a "secondary color" in the color wheel- for all you Art Buffs, but we seem to always include it with "primary colors".)

and also.....
This single page goes along with the large Phonics Word Wall set.  I am excited to use it next year as a desk and home resource for my students. I plan on keeping one in their "Take-Home" Folders, and having them keep one in their writing journal or folder.

Happy Summer Everyone!!!!